Delicious Hardneck Garlic: FREE SHIPPING

Why us?

Why does our garlic stink?  Because great garlic has high Allicin content.. the stuff that makes garlic "garlicky" and is the difference between lame and phenomenal.   

I guess we are what you'd call foodies and wellness enthusiasts.. we experiment. We mostly make amazing meals although we also fail.  We are makers, designers, growers, hardcore home cooks and one founder is a sommelier.  Along with beautiful wines and finding the best salts and spices, garlic has been the consistent staple in so many of our favorite foods (we also love it raw, sliced with cheese and crackers too!).   

We found that store bought garlic was so often lacking in the rich flavor we'd occasionally find at some farmer's markets. As we learned more, we found most of it lacks the health properties that can only come from good soil and heirloom varieties. More than half comes from China and is often grown in subpar conditions and another half is Elephant garlic, which ironically isn't even garlic, it is part of the leek family with some similar traits to garlic.   

We started researching and growing garlic on our family farm in Southern Vermont and began connecting with many other passionate local organic farmers throughout VT, MA, CT, and NY to provide the best garlic we could to other garlic lovers.  Great garlic can be hard to find but we aim to make it more accessible.  

We're committed to high quality ingredients and happy customers so we hope you give our garlic a shot and we can build a longterm relationship :-) 


For this is a family affair, often led by these two of your farmers, Aiden and River.